
Raghavendra Rural Health Care Foundation
No.22, Nele , 6th Cross Kamakya Layout
5th Block, BSK 3rd Stage Bangalore 560085

+91 94495 49307


Prathama Chikitsaka program

First Aid Guide: 

Raksha health care kit was revised and released on 2021, to spread the first aid awareness among the rural population: RAKSHA HEALTH CARE KIT AND GUIDE RELEASE

Includes first aid measures to be undertaken during the event of heart attack, snake bite, head trauma, abdominal injury, choking, soft tissue injuries including fractures, burns, eye injury.

Please check out the book by opening this link Below

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More About RRHCF

We Are An Health Care Foundation

RAGHAVENDRA RURAL HEALTH CARE FOUNDATION is an Indian based Health Care Foundation and almost all RRHCF supporters are Indian or of Indian origin. 

Our Resources Usage

We feel that making progress in long-term, sustainable change requires a holistic approach. We are working with local and international organizations to make this kind of change a reality. In the past, we have donated to our organization to provide healthcare benefits and treatment for seniors, children, and all people who need help in this area.

Process Of Program Selection

At RAGHAVENDRA RURAL HEALTH CARE FOUNDATION , we aim to reach out to all aspects of human well-being irrespective of their caste, gender, economic, cultural, and religious background. We specially design our programs to an inclusive culture and to revitalize the human spirit for global health care and welness.

RRHCF Health Camps

RRHCF runs many camps on Medical Care & Health Education and treatment for the needy. The camps are a platform for people to understand ones Wellness & to build improvement among the people. Through our campaigns, we reach out to a large number of deprived people.



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